Our lab provides small-molecule and proteomics services. View more details below.
- Confirmation of reaction products
- Confirmation of molecular formula (exact mass measurement)
- Quantitation of small molecules
- Nominal mass and accurate mass measurements (<10ppm)
- Structural elucidation (MS/MS)
- Analysis of synthetic compounds, polymers and biomolecules
- Large and small peptide analysis/characterization/quantitation
- Protein identification from whole cell lysates, organelles
- Protein-protein interaction & protein complex analysis
- Post-translational modification mapping – both global and specific PTM analysis; qualitative and quantitative
- Quantitative Proteomics (Label free, Absolute quantitation, Isotopic labeling)
- Thermal Proteome Profiling and Meltome Analysis
- Intact protein mass measurement up to 60K
- Targeted Proteomics
- Protein identification from in-gel digests
- In-gel digestion to extract peptides for Gel-LC-MS/MS
- In solution digestions (a range of proteolytic enzyme digestions catered to project needs)
- Enrichment of Post-Translational Modifications (catered to project needs)
- Isotopic Labeling (e.g., TMT, SILAC, Dimethyl etc.)
- Peptide quantification (both colorimetric and fluorometric peptide assays)
- Peptide fractionation to reduce sample complexity
- Sample Clean-up (Solid phase extraction)
- Protein Precipitations (many to choose from depending on your sample composition)
- Protein Electrophoresis - SDS PAGE
- Affinity purified proteins (AP), Co-IPs*
- Whole cell lysates
- Membrane/Organelle preps
Note: Always prepare negative controls for your (AP), Co-Ips